🥇 Part Three: Back We Go To Jakarta With SriLankan

3/9: The Journey to British Airways Gold Status

Hello again! Happy Monday.

Welcome to the third instalment of my British Airways Gold status adventure. Today, we're covering my journey from Abu Dhabi (AUH) to Jakarta (CGK) via Colombo (CMB). Buckle up for another rollercoaster ride of near-misses, unexpected luxuries, and the ongoing saga of e-visa complications!

AUH to CMB: A Comedy of Errors (Almost)

Having become somewhat of an AUH expert by now, I decided to cut it fine with my airport arrival. The Pearl Lounge, while nice, isn't exactly the height of luxury (no free cocktails or bubbly - the horror!), so I wasn't too fussed about maximising my time there.

However, my nonchalance almost backfired. I'm sitting at gate 15, waiting patiently, when I spot on the board that my flight is boarding... at a completely different gate! Cue a mad dash across the terminal. I made it, but only just, earning myself the title of "Last to Board." Pro tip: Always double-check your gate!

The silver lining? The plane was practically empty - only about 30 passengers total, with a mere 4 of us living it up in business class.

Flight Details:

  • Dinner: A delightful mutton stew

  • Beverages: Baileys, and my now-signature peppermint tea

  • Sleep Quality: Excellent, thanks to familiarity with the seat setup

We landed in Colombo a bit early, only to be met with a bus gate. But here's where things got interesting: they shuttled all four of us business class passengers to the terminal separately! I wasn’t expecting that.

Colombo Layover: The Quest for Quiet

This time in Colombo, I struck gold in the SriLankan Airlines lounge. I discovered a quiet room with some seriously comfy reclining sofas. For two blissful hours, I stretched out in peace, recharging for the next leg of my journey.

Once again, the lounge staff's timing was impeccable. They announced our boarding just in time for us to stroll directly onto the plane. No crowded gate lounges for us!

CMB to CGK: Sleep is the New Breakfast

The flight to Jakarta was considerably busier, but the travel gods smiled upon me once more - I had an open seat next to me.

This time, I made the executive decision to skip breakfast in favour of more sleep (and, of course, another peppermint tea). It was definitely the right call; I felt remarkably refreshed upon arrival.

Jakarta: The E-Gate Saga Continues

Remember my e-gate troubles from last time? Well, they're back with a vengeance. After three failed attempts, I found myself in the unenviable position of queuing for 30 minutes at immigration.

The plot thickens: The passport officer informed me that having two visas at the same time is a no-no - apparently, one activates and one cancels. However, he stamped my passport anyway, and I received an email confirming my second visa was activated. The mystery deepens!

Hotel Adventures and Future Complications

For this stay, I switched things up and tried a different hotel in the hope of getting more sleep. Getting there was an adventure in itself - I narrowly missed the free shuttle and decided to live on the edge by taking a Grab motorbike. Not only was it faster, but it was also way more fun!

Now, here's where things get a bit tricky. I'm trying to check in for my upcoming Cathay Pacific flights to Taipei, but the online system is demanding my new Indonesian visa details. The catch? I can't apply for a new e-visa until I exit Indonesia tomorrow. It looks like I'll be heading to the airport tomorrow, fingers crossed, hoping they can check me in for the Taipei flight without these details.

Looking Ahead

As I sit here in my hotel room having just eaten a Nasi Goreng, contemplating the visa issue that awaits me, I can't help but feel a mix of excitement and trepidation. Will I make it to Taipei without a hitch? Will the e-gates ever accept me? And most importantly, will I ever tire of peppermint tea?

Stay tuned for the next instalment of this tier point odyssey. If nothing else, it promises to be... interesting!

Until next time, may your connections be smooth and your e-gates cooperative!


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